
Ten tips for a great year


Here is a list of ten good habits to help you start your new school year on the right foot. Adopting good study habits will help you do your best to achieve great results.

1. Be organised: the night before, make sure your school uniform is laid out and you have packed your bag with the correct books. Spend a few minutes each night to read through the work you will do in class the next day.

2. Form a study group: motivate and help each other to study. Socialising with friends and sharing the stress of exams will prevent burnout.

3. Take breaks: all work and no play can be rather dull. It is important to work hard and study hard, but it is also important to take a break and have fun with your friends.

4. Exercise: take time out to exercise, get fresh air, clear your mind and eliminate stress.

5. Eat healthy: boost your brain power. Although tempting, limit the amount of junk food you eat and rather snack on healthy foods like fruit, vegetables and nuts to help your brain function at its best.

6. Rest up: it is important to get enough sleep to be able to concentrate in class. If you get less than 8 hours of sleep a night, it will be difficult to stay awake and alert  during the day. You need to rest up to do your best. 

7. Don't cram: don't leave studying to the last minute. Draw up a timetable and know when your tests and exams will be so you can start studying for them sooner rather than later.

8. Don't be distracted: while studying, turn off the TV or music and switch off your phones so you can concentrate on the task at hand.

9. Be committed: pay attention in class, make sure you understand the work, do your homework and reach for your dreams.

And most importantly...

10. Stay positive: work hard, maintain a positive attitude in achieving your goals and believe in yourself!