Quick Revision


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Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

What is a Laffer curve?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

A Laffer curve shows the relationship between tax rates and the tax revenue that the state collects. Beyond a certain tax rate level the economy grows more slowly as taxpayers are discouraged to spend, so the increased tax rate generates a decreased tax revenue.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

Briefly explain the terms leading indicators, lagging indicators and coincident indicators and their purpose.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

Economists use these indicators for forecasting. Leading indicators show where the economy is going in the future; lagging indicators show what has been happening in the economy; and coincident indicators move at the same time as the business cycle.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

Define the term business cycle.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

Business cycle refers to the changes in the economy that produces a cyclical pattern that repeats itself every three to five years. It is also known as the economic cycle.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

What is depreciation?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

Depreciation is the decrease in value of an asset or currency.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

What is the difference between exogenous and endogenous causes of the business cycle?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

Exogenous causes are factors that influence the business cycle from outside of the system, e.g. climate (drought and other natural disasters) and the political situation of a country. Endogenous causes are factors that influence the business cycle from inside the system, e.g. total expenditure. investment and government fiscal and monetary policy.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

Explain the term macroeconomics.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics is the study of the entire functioning of the economy.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

How do we calculate GDP at factor cost?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

GDP at factor cost = C + I + G + X - Z - taxes on goods and production + subsidies on goods and production (where C stands for expenditure by households; I for investment; G for government expenditure; X for exports; and Z for imports).

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

What is the GDP of a country?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product. The GDP is the value of all the goods produced and services offered within the boundaries of a country.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

What is a price-maker?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

In a monopoly, a price-maker is one or a few sellers that control the supply and therefore have the power to set the prices.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

In the circular flow of income, what is the multiplier?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

The multiplier is the ratio between the eventual change in income and the initial investment.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

Regarding macroeconomic growth and stability, what are merit goods?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

Merit goods refer to goods and services that the state provides to people even if they cannot pay for them, in order to improve social welfare.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

What is MTEF?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

MTEF stands for Medium Term Expenditure Framework. It refers to the way in which the government budget is set up over a three-year period.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

What is state property?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

State property is the income from mining and state diggings and the income from forests and rental of government properties.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

What are subsidies?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

Subsidies are amounts that the government pays to producers so that they can sell their goods and services at lower prices to consumers.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

What is a fiscal policy?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

The fiscal policy is a policy of the state that concentrates on the level and composition of government spending, taxation and borrowing. Fiscal policy is also called the state financial policy.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

What is the trade balance?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

The trade balance is a record of the values of merchandise (visible goods) that are exported and imported. The trade balance is negative when the value of imports is greater than exports and positive when the value of exports is greater than imports.

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

What is a factor cost?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

A factor cost is a cost of production excluding taxes on production and including subsidies. (GDP at basic prices - taxes on production + subsidies on production.)

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

What is foreign direct investment?

Grade 12 Economics, Macroeconomics

Foreign direct investment is investment from another country in the form of actual physical assets such as factories or equipment.

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