Quick Revision

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Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

What happens during addition copolymerisation?

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

In an addition copolymerisation reaction, a mixture of two or more different monomers react to form a polymer. The resulting polymer is called a copolymer.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

What does it mean if a substance is amorphous?

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

In an amorphous substance, the atoms are packed randomly.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Define biological macromolecules.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

A biological macromolecule is a molecule that is so big that we can see it without magnifying it.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

What is a coordinate covalent bond?

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

In a coordinate covalent bond, one atom contributes both electrons (or a loan pair of electrons) to form a shared pair of electrons with another atom having a vacant orbital.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Explain the curing process.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Curing is achieved by heating the polymer, typically to temperatures above 200 degrees Celsius. Cross-links form during the curing process.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Explain the term termination by disproportionation.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Termination by disproportionation occurs when two polymer chains stop growing by the simultaneous transfer of a hydrogen bond between the two growing chains and the formation of a double bond.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

What is a disaccharide?

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

A disaccharide is made up of two linked monosaccharides. Sucrose is a disaccharide.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

What are London forces?

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

London forces are forces of attraction between non-polar molecules or the atoms of a monatomic gas. London forces are also called dispersion forces.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

What is a monomer?

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Monomers are the chemically bonded parts of polymers.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Define organic chemistry.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon compounds, excluding the oxides of carbons and the carbonates.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

What are plasticisers?

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Plasticisers are small organic molecules that reduce the friction between macromolecules, allowing them to slide over each other and so increase the flexibility of the polymer.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

What happens during propagation?

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

During propagation, the unpaired electron of a radical that is part of a polymer forms a covalent bond with one of the double-bonded carbon atoms in another monomer.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Define a radical.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

A radical is a very reactive atom or group of atoms with an unpaired valence electron.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Explain the term termination in terms of polymerisation reactions.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Termination occurs in a polymerisation reaction by way of any reaction that uses up the radicals.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Define a zwitterion.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

A zwitterion is an ion that has both a positive and a negative charge on the same group of atoms.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Describe the secondary structure of proteins.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

The secondary structure of proteins refers to the way in which the peptide backbone of protein is arranged either in a spiral structure or a helical structure.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

What is meant by the term chrystal structure?

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

The crystal structure is the arrangement of atoms or ions in a crystalline material.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

The molecular formula is the actual number of atoms in a molecule.

Grade 12 Physical Sciences, Matter and materials (Chem)

Isomers are molecules with the same molecular formula but different structural formulae. Isomers often have different properties.

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